On August 17, 2012, I founded Amend & Achieve due to discovering a need for increased attention towards the church youth to pursue their goals through the direction of God! My talents & relentless efforts have afforded me the opportunity to broaden my influence to bring recognition to local gospel artists! No Fear Productions, LLC was founded on February 5, 2016, in response to work already in progress! In light of my position as manager for my son, Christian Jackson a.k.a. Lil Tank "No Fear," I was propelled into music entertainment by high demand! Many artists inquired of my services to manage, produce and market them to further their reach. Despite our successful efforts, I soon noticed that artists needed a bridge to connect them from where they were to where they wanted to be! Instead of them traveling to gain exposure, I positioned myself to bring exposure to them to fulfil this long overdue need! And because of this need, Jazz Poetry Café was born!